
pourquoi procéder élévation sinusale

The Role of Sinus Lifts in Dental Implants

Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure that presents many advantages. In addition to providing patients with a full smile and better masticatory function, implants prevent bone loss in the ...
différence implant couronne dentaire

The Difference Between Dental Crowns and Implants

Losing, breaking or cracking a tooth can happen to anyone at any time. Through years of research and innovation, dental specialists have developed a variety of techniques for replacing missing ...
pathologies buccales les plus communes

Common Oral Pathologies and Lesions

Maintaining good oral hygiene isn’t just vital for preventing cavities. A good teeth cleaning routine and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent a variety of more serious oral health problems ...
tout savoir kystes dentaires

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Cysts

Dental cysts are a common oral pathology that can cause significant pain. But what are dental cysts, exactly? What causes them? How can they be removed? We answer these questions ...
tout savoir greffe osseuse avant implant dentire

An Overview of Bone Grafts for Dental Implants

Bone grafting is a procedure that maxillofacial surgeons perform often, usually in preparation for dental implant placement. While this is a fairly routine operation, some patients may feel apprehensive about ...
en quoi consistent les implants zygomatiques

What are zygomatic implants?

Getting dental implants can be stressful. The procedure often involves a bone graft, which some patients dread. Fortunately, there are certain types of implants that enable you to avoid bone ...